Virologica Sinica is an academic journal which aims at presenting the cutting-edge basic and applied research on viruses all over the world. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles and reviews, as well as commentaries and letters to the editor, to encompass the latest developments in all branches of virology, including research on animal, plant and microbe viruses. The journal welcomes articles on virus discovery, viral pathogenesis, virus-host interaction, vaccine development, antiviral agents and therapies, and virus related biotechniques. Virologica Sinica, the official journal of Chinese Society for Microbiology, will serve as a platform for the communication and exchange of academic information and ideas in an international context.
The journal editorial board is composed of virologists, immunologists, biologists from a broad range of research fields worldwide to maintain the high standard of excellence for the journal. All submissions to Virologica Sinica are handled electronically, via ScholarOne online submission and review system. The journal is indexed by many international databases: Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch?), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed/Medline, Scopus, BIOSIS Previews?, EMBASE, Google Scholar, SCImago, and etc.
Editorial advantages:
- Global visibility, available in Springer and covered by PubMed/Medline
- Official journal of the Chinese Society for Microbiology
- Rapid peer review and advanced online publishing
- No page/color charges, open-access options
- Free language editing
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